Ruth Yates
Ruth lives in Sheffield.
Ruth's poems have appeared in anthologies including 'Bi+lines: An Anthology of Contemporary Bi+ poetry'; 'Introduction X: The Poetry Business Book of New Poets'; and 'Like Flyering for the Revolution: The Verve Anthology of Protest Poems'; and in magazines including The North; Cadaverine, Route 57; Mslexia Writing Squad booklet; Carmen et Error; and Pennine Platform.
Four times winner of the Foyle Young Poets Award, their poems have been shortlisted for the Eric Gregory Award, highly commended in the Resurgence Poetry Prize and Disabled Poets Prize, and commended in the Verve Poetry Festival Competition.
Ruth was commissioned to produce work for Manchester Festival of Libraries in 2021, in collaboration with creative technologist Chris Ball, The Writing Squad, and Future Everything; and has collaborated in online projects including 'A Diary of Windows and Small Things' and 'Staying Home'.
Ruth was awarded a Sheffield Writers Development Grant in 2022.
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