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First the words, then the music: An Introduction to Libretto

York York

OPEN TO ALL SQUADS, YORK - VENUE TBC This session will explore the relationship between text and music, and the numerous ways the two can interrelate in opera, art song and other classical forms (eg choral music). We will take a look at the different ways a collaborative relationship between a writer and a composer […]

Script Mini Goals


Mini goals for script writers. Email to receive the link.

Poets Mini Goals


Mini goals for poets. Email to receive the link.  

The Texture of Place: Writing Landscapes and Building Settings


ZOOM, OPEN ALL SQUADS How can we make the places and locations in our writing feel three-dimensional and “real”? How do we avoid falling into clichés when writing about landscape and place? How can we capture a real/imagined place through senses, description, speech and muddled language? Can settings ever be as important as characters?

The Butterfly in the Corner: Revitalising Old Myths


SQUAD 10, LEEDS - VENUE TBC Now it is a well-known fact that literature is constantly in conversation with other literary text in some shape or form. This workshop will exploit this tradition as the starting point for writing our own poems. We will turn up to the blank notebook page armed with material, that […]

SFF Mini Goals


Mini goals session for science fiction and fantasy writers. Email to get the link.

What We Owe: Bad Art Friend Discussion


It is easy enough to trigger a storm on Twitter, but some stories create a hurricane. ‘Who Is The Bad Art Friend?’, a New York Times Article by Robert Kolker, was one such story and has whipped up a slew of newspaper articles, Twitter threads, and memes ever since. Centred around the court case of Dawn Dorland […]

Trauma and the Creative Writing Classroom

Manchester Manchester

A session exploring what trauma is, its relationship to creativity and strategies to develop a trauma-informed workshop practice. NB: This workshop will be from 2-4pm in MMU's Arts and Humanities Building, Manchester. What is trauma? What is PTSD? Why does it matter for workshop/arts facilitators? When difficult memories or subjects arise, what practical approaches or […]

Script Mini Goals


Mini Goals session for Script Writers. Email Billie on for the link.

Poets Mini Goals


Mini Goals session for Poets. Email Billie on for the link.

What if we didn’t start with words?

Manchester Manchester

LEEDS - VENUE TBC WHAT IF WE DIDN'T START WITH WORDS? - EMMA ADAMS I’ve been thinking about staging and the power of set design. Why is it that writers don’t often get to work with set designers early in a development process? What does thinking about image rather than words unlock for storytellers / […]

Squad 10 Mini Goals


Squad 10 mini goals session. Email to get the link.

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