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Chloe’s Book Launch

Chloe Timperley has an online launch of her book Generation Rent: Why You Can’t Buy a Home (Or Even Rent a Good One). at 7pm Thursday 23rd July.
A devastating account of the absurd state of housing in the UK, how it relates to renters, owners, landlords and the rest of the economy.
Sign up for a Zoom invite here.
At the event Chloe will be in conversation with
Anna Minton, writer, journalist and Reader in Architecture at UEL. She has written two books, Ground Control in 2009 and Big Capital in 2017.
Giles Peaker, solicitor in the Housing and Public Law department at Anthony Gold Solicitors and the editor of the Nearly Legal Housing Law and Comment blog.
Josh Ryan-Collins, economist and Head of Finance and Macroeconomics and Senior Research Fellow at IIPP. He co-authored Rethinking the Economics of Land and Housing, and his other books include Why Can’t You Buy a Home? and Where Does Money Come From?