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Jay at BBC Contains Strong Language Festival

Squad grad Jay Mitra is featured at this year’s BBC Contains Strong Language Festival as part of the event Language is A Queer Thing. Contains Strong Language (CSL) is the UK’s biggest poetry and performance festival for new writing. It is taking place in Leeds from September 21-24.
Language is a Queer Thing is an international poetry development programme by The Queer Muslim Project and VERVE Poetry Festival, engaging LGBTQIA+ poets, poetry professionals and communities in India and the UK. The project returns for a second run this year with six talented queer poets from India and the UK – Jay Mitra (pictured), Gayathiri Kamalakanthan, Mukahang Limbu, Rachit Sharma, Anureet Watta, and Hafsa Bukhary – who will take part in a residency in Leeds and share their collaboration at this showcase.
You can book tickets to the event here.