Untold Stories

Untold Stories : Unravelling the Threads was an English Heritage project funded by the National Heritage Lottery.
In a series of three workshops led by Squad Core Team writer Malika Booker, poets from the Writing Squad and Barbican Young Poets traced the lost stories and roots of English Heritage sites in Cornwall, Cumbria and Lancashire.
You can enjoy the results in this reading and discussion.
The Squad poets taking part are Helen Bowell, Prerana Kumar, Fahad Al-Amoudi, Gregory Kearns, Lydia Hounat and Emily Pritchard, the Barbican Young Poets are Tice Cin, Phoebe Wagner, Amani Saeed and Simran Uppal.
Fahad, Lydia and Prerana are currently developing a follow up project for the Squad, using archives that are important to them as a source for new creative work.
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