Samantha Gildea
Samantha has been a journalist for seven years – beginning in print for a small group of weekly titles in West Yorkshire, before moving into digital journalism where she is now the Digital Development Editor at the Huddersfield Examiner, a daily newspaper owned by Trinity Mirror.
She is a fully qualified senior reporter, and spent years covering everything from murder trials to general elections, council meetings to country fairs and everything in between.
In 2012 Samantha was highly commended in the Young Journalist of the Year category at the Yorkshire and Humber O2 Media Awards.
Now she’s part of a busy newsdesk, working with news editors and reporters to ensure our digital content is the best it can be. She specialises in forward planning and digital innovation, utilising digital storytelling tools to take us beyond just words and pictures on a page.
Samantha has also worked with Trinity Mirror’s central team to launch brand new websites for more than 20 titles, travelling around the country to train staff and manage the transition from old website to new.
While her job involves more management these days, she still tries to write where she can, and regularly review theatre and comedy shows.
Samantha has also had the pleasure of leading digital journalism workshops for the Writing Squad!
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