Sara Fogarty Olmos
Sara Fogarty Olmos is a Basque-Irish writer interested in poetry and criticism. She currently lives in Manchester where she splits her time between her job as an Academic Advisor and her studies in Modern and Contemporary Literature at the University of Manchester.
Sara’s poetry has been described as reflective and relational- she is interested in citylife and the different ways in which we relate to one another. Most recently, she has had poems published in Ink, Sweat + Tears, Carmen et Error, Propel and SINK magazine.
As a critic, Sara is most interested in the relatively under-explored relationship between fat studies and literature. She has had an article exploring the depiction of fatness published in The Polyphony and in 2023, Sara presented at an international Fat Studies conference in Finland.
In the near future, Sara would like to set up a zine and podcast and explore translating poetry from Spanish to English.
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