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Tayiba Selected for Emerging Translator Mentorships Programme

Tayiba Sulaiman has been chosen by the National Centre for Writing (NCW) as a mentee for the latest round of its Emerging Translator Mentorships Programme. Every year the programme supports the development of a new cohort of literary translators into English, particularly for languages whose literature is currently under-represented in English translation. Each mentee will be matched up with an experienced translator for a six-month period during which they work together on practical translation projects, developing their craft through working on a chosen text or texts.
Tayiba will be focusing on translation Swiss German to English, mentored by Jamie Lee Searle.
Tayiba says “I feel very lucky to have received one of the mentorships! I’ve had my first meeting with Jamie Lee Searle this week and am really looking forward to working with her and learning from all of her expertise over the next six months.”